Thursday, April 28, 2011

what's going on?

havent' posted for a while. yup, i hv bz with exam prep.

recently, i hv been hearing similar comments relating to "i dun like this type of question!" "there's so much to tedious!" "so much homework!"

somehow, i get charged twds exams period, while the stdts get exhausted. what an irony! so, u see the misfit between me and them....they can never catch up with what i wanna impart to them!

worse still, those who are not good in math have a care-less attitude twds revision, and repetition week after week over the same thing does get onto my nerves! i'm patient enough, i think. check with my kids..they surely are not so lucky when it comes to seeking my help for the same old problems.

back then, wasn't it just 'wow, new learning tool, new technique! i will henceforth learn and apply it in future questions!" but now, every new thing taught seems like a burden cross to carry.

attitudes vs slow learning is a totally different ball game. like a friend just told me that she's very frustrated when it comes to teaching her sec sch son, simply because he's not quick-witted and often forgets what he learns! worse still, it's she picking up txtbooks to learn chemistry terms and math formula once again......

then i shared with her about sth which i heard some days ago. that mothers of today's society are no longer washer women or kitchen chefs, since these roles are now replaced by washing machines and domestic helpers. so, what's the role of mothers nowadays?

well, it's showing the kids the way to their future by opening the pathway for them and leading them clearly towards the right interest!

this friend thought that many items are being 'outsourced' these days. true enough, but what can be done? afterall, this is the current lifestyles of pple nowadays.

like what she said, her 2 children will fight over the i-pad gadget the moment they are being chaffeured from school and touch home ground. well, we never even hv the luxury of space to study at home, back then. so, blame it on the technology that provides such a big addictive draw to the kids nowadays.

haha, say who? didn't the addiction also extend to the adults as well?

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