Saturday, July 23, 2011

how a smart parent talks to her child

i hv a stdt who's street-smart, learns things fast but is not fond of revising work.

so, u can imagine how his results would suffer a little, given that lousy revision effort is translated to so-so results....

so, one day, after my math lesson with him, i was conversing with the mom.

"well, j did very well today. his grasp of concepts and his speed of doing work! just make sure he revises his work so as to familiarise with the techniques!" i complimented genuinely.

his mom added on while the boy looked on,"well, i nvr hv an issue with his intellectual capability! maybe we should cut off a figure of ms verlyn, put it beside j during the exams, so that he would feel the pressure to rbr things..." after which she turned more serious twds him,"well, j, u said u want to be an artchitect. that means math ability is very crucial...u hv to work twds ur goal!.."

this is a parent who doesn't nag at kids. but she wants the kid to realise the importance of setting a goal and making steps to achieve it.

as for me, i always tell this boy,"u reap what u sow. this lil effort equates this much yield/ harvest in ur life. not that u can't do it, but it's just that how u prioritise ur time each day!"

yeah, he would prefer to be at the pc (not playing online games though) exploring with the architectural structure and altering/ transforming into nice designs. what a different world from the local kids!

i wish j all the best. in fact, given his nature, i'm constantly thinking of how best i could assist him with the lil effort that he put into doing extra bit for his academic study.


  1. I start thinking how I talk to small T. Do I talk to her smartly or nagging her? She is one to turn a deaf ear to nagging or scolding, for sure.

  2. Lil' Yellow is the kind 吃软不吃硬. After scolding, I always have to soften down to make her cooperate.
