Tuesday, January 18, 2011

living in the present

ever heard of this, anyone?

yesterday is a cancelled cheque,
tomorrow is a promissory note,
today is cash in hand : spend it wisely.

indeed, why are moderners like ourselves always bumping around like bumble bees? the regrets of yesterday and worries of tomorrow always weigh on our minds, like a big metal bar.

truly, what we are able to live is just the PRESENT moment.

living for the moment simply means being aware of our state of mind, our tiredness, our need to rest, and appreciating our NOW moment.

we should do what is needed for each day, not just sit there talking or daydreaming about it.


  1. I hear this all the time but practising is another thing all together. We always plan ahead and forget there is 'today' to cherish.

  2. I think when u r slogging hard at work with lots of stress, all these words sound great but hard to practise. But if u r like me having own-time-own-target lifestyle, then u can really sit back, relax and cherish everyday. Some things sound simple but is a luxury to many.
