Friday, June 10, 2011

cellulite joke

last nite, lying in bed, claire asked me"mommy, can i ask u sth?"

"what?" i responded.

"how come nini got cellulite? she's so young!" haha, in her small brain, only joy and me will hv cellulite. haha, maybe, joy only.

cellulite was a term that i introduced to her not too long ago, describing it as 'orange peel'!

"u saw it?" i queried.

"ya, when she wears her costume, i saw her butt and thighs from the back!" came an innocent reply.

"haha, that's just layers of fats mother, like daughter lah!" i answered, with no intention to ridicule red. (red, really no offence, cos' claire doesnt hv an inch of extra fat, so she was all puzzled with nini's body constitution, though i think nini looked really cute in that swim attire, haha)

"but, did i hv such fat layers when i was young?" she probed further.

"yes lah, all kids have baby fats." i said.

"but i dun even rbr i was fat before..." she went on.

actually, claire even had double chin before, just that she didnt register this painful memory in her little mind.

i was shocked when claire asked again,'do u think uncle colin also hv such layers on his ....?"

"i'm sure lah, but of coz we cannot see. he's also quite big, u knw?" i was hoping she would stop asking me anything abt cellulite.

so, the conclusion was, nini's swim suit was really 'outstanding' , in claire's eyes. but, i tell u, she's a real good eater, consuming claire's home-made cinnamon streudel muffin and taking almost anything that was sent into her mouth.

for the first time too, she did not cry in my presence. in fact, she was quite comfortable moving around following all the jiejies, esp nana.


  1. Haha, poor Claire, so disturbed by Nini's fatty thighs. So funny! I thought she looked good in the swim suit too.still thought she got some shapes to show off. Hehe!

    Fri morning and this morning, I asked her "do u like Auntie Verve?" and she said "yes". Make sure u have some good food for her the next time we see u, then she should be fine with u. Haha!
