Tuesday, November 22, 2011

year-end cleaning

i'm at a loss of how to start unpacking the unwanted old stuff to make way for new storage space.

my place has been short of storage all these years. it's my wish to have hidden storage shelves and cabinets to keep the bulky items away from sight.

i've been telling claire,"u need to give away more clothes, books and toys to make the place look neat!" she's agreeable. afterall, she's looking fwd to go on a purchase spree in taiwan come dec.

i need to call in a contractor to do sth....including the spoilt parquet flooring and wall furnishing. it will be a lot to handle....i can already imagine the dust in the air causing my organs to itch.....

ah sue was at my place last sat and commented that my dressing table is over-loaded with things. u see, the problem is, when one gets used to certain things, it actually becomes acceptable.

aye, if only we have lived like a minimalist, our place would be less cluttered. is that the right word to use?


  1. Agree! I already had this enlightenment to live a minimalist lifestyle when I packed my place 2 years ago to go Sydney. I like to buy small storage boxes or use shoe boxes or recycled boxes to organize my things. Try it, whether it is your dressing tables or cabinets. It really helps!

  2. I wouldn't use old shoes boxes. I will buy storage boxes to keep but it is a good idea to put things behind the cupboards to look tidy and neat.

    And time to pack but it is hard to part. Really got to let go!
