Sunday, February 6, 2011

post departure of yati


yati left us on 5 feb 2010, sat. 2.15 pm flight to bandung.

afternoon, we landed at yipo's house. when the insensitive gong gong was happily yakking about yati, claire broke into tears again. well, we were just returning from airport, what do you think?

when we got back in the night, claire suddenly stared into the blank space and covered her face with a book, sobbing away silently.

when i asked her why, she sadly revealed,"i'm just thinking, come mon, who will bathe for me and help me change before school?"

"oh yes, mommy will wake up for the next 1 week to help you do all these, ok? dun worry, i m still around!"

with that assurance, her emotions were better in control.

despite her sad mood, she was the victorious winner for rummikub game in the night, winning $5 from joy.


7 feb 2010, mon

i honoured my promise to wake up to help claire get ready for school. well, she beat me to it, having changed into the uniform herself. well, without yati, claire will definitely be more independent.

when jumi was assisting her with tying claire's hair, joy suddenly popped in front of me,"mommy, did you scold claire?"

"no," came my stunned reply.

"but she's crying in the room," joy replied.

"ok ok, she must be missing yati again when jumi ties her hair!"

true, like what angie said, it's the personal touch. with claire, yati has injected a lot of personal touch in her life. from the age of 4 plus, yati bathed her, held her, massaged her (yes, no kidding, claire got her princess massage at bath time)....everything in this household and claire's cabinet have a midas touch of yati!

she has done many art and craft work with claire. she has also taught claire how to sew and has personally sewn many small pillows for her.....i bet you, claire would never abandon all these little small items.

memories go a long way.....hvnt we heard that the hardest thing in life, is not to love someone, but to forget someone!

i'm sure, with my dear chrysan mom, we all make the same pledge!

all the more, we should learn to treasure those who are still around....


  1. I can imagine Claire's sadness. Yati really takes very good care of her since young.

  2. During our conversations, Yati always affectionately said "my Claire....". Bet ayati could also still be crying at home, missing her Claire.

  3. yes, yati sent joy 2 smses, one to me, and one to claire.

    she said she missed claire a lot, and was enquiring if i was fine. but the impt thing of coz, was to find out if jumi was ok.

    well well, my response will be same...jumi is under training. my patience is required.

    i wish yati will find her greener pasture. my kids plan to write to her, anyway.

    i m touched by her action of helping me take care of mom, when she was sick in april 2010. her dedication and genuine love, i could feel it.
