Monday, September 26, 2011

sleepless nite or pre-psle stress?

here i am, 2.30 am on tues morn. wee hour. weird hour to be up.

well, i had problem getting to sleep. not sure if it's the pms syndrome or the latent stress acting in my body system.

as i lay on the bed, it was just math questions popping in and out of my mind. yes, the questions that i will be going thru with the stdts over the next few days, before the psle math date on fri.

this is not the 1st time. my mind gets really active before the exams. i will hv numbers jumping up and down. there will be fundamentals nagging me and reminding me,"remember to go thru with the kids about ...."

being able to sleep well is a blessing.

but i reckon, this is the trend that i go thru each used to it.

of coz, i knw how i would look tmrw....tired and wanting to catch up with a morn nap. luckily, i dont' hv to send the kids to sch anymore. hubby takes care of it all!

counting down the days...hoping that the kids will give their best shot! if only they take more respy to revise and recall effectively, i will be able to sleep better now, haha...


  1. I know how that feels. When I was working, I have numbers popping all over my mind too and all the things to do the next day or datelines coming, etc. But even now without work stress, I have problem falling asleep every night too. It only started after I have Nini.. so it's hormones change or it is just her disturbing me... I also dunno. I'm just glad that I dun have to wake up early for work every morning since I have such bad sleep every night.

  2. Red can catch up your sleep in the day.

    I don't have the luxury so I will really hate bad sleep!

  3. Another reason why I think I shouldn't go back to workforce. Haha!
