Monday, September 19, 2011

to save a life

i watched a movie ' to save a life' at maureen's church.

a teenage show that depicts reality of life. too bad, joy wasnt there but claire was with me.

the gist of the show - jake, a popular basketball player who was loved and idolised by many. he partied and was often gathered by many, at the expense of leaving his childhood friend, johnny behind. johnny is a black negro who grew up with him and had indeed saved jake's life once. he's lame and not good looking, so was shunned my many in school.

one day, johnny fired some shots in the sch campus and eventually killed himself too. jake started to question if johnny could hv been spared his life, had he knew that jake still cared.

then, jake met a youth leader pastor who injected many probing questions into jake's mind. just when everyone deserted jake in one party due to police raid, it was the pastor who picked him up with one of his phone calls. even his girlfriend, amy, drove his truck away.

he started going to church to understand more, formed a group in the campus and even befriended an asian guy who's deemed an uncool nerd.

as the story unfolded, 3 mths after he was distant from amy, she announced herself being pregnant and intended an abortion. at the same time, jake's parents' marriage was crushed and pondering divorce.

jake questioned GOD,"where r u when i need u? i go to church, give my life to u, and this is what i'm getting! it's just not worthy for me to put my trust in u!" nonetheless, he knew that he had no way out for himself, except to continue trusting GOD to show his the way.

the ending was positive, jake stood by amy throughout the whole gestation period, the baby finally delivered was given up for abortion to a childless couple. as for his parents, they decided to unite...jake proceeded with his dream of entering a top university.....

i think, the msg is simple, happiness cannot be bought by money, fame, beauty.....incidentally, ystday, pastor johnaton also shared during the sermon many famous writers, singers, artistes who chose to end their lives through the public opinion, they almost had everything!

so, let's ponder about what exactly gives a person happiness? i think it's having real peace at heart and knowing that the pple u care for, also care for you. plus doing sth in life that helps to enrich the lives of others.

truly, giving is often more blessed than receiving.....

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