Wednesday, October 12, 2011

joy's taiwan itinerary

finally, joy was putting time to plan for our taiwan trip.

for the first time, she bothered to study the map of taiwan and did some homework check about different places!

well, i commented,"joy, u refused to take heed of what qinyi advised u some wks ago, that planning a trip starts with knowing the map orientation!"

to her, it was just putting in activities that she wishes to do, disregarding the route path, the time taken for the, it was with a harsh 'lesson' with dad (who threw out her proposal) that she was finally awakened!

this micro view of her is clearly demonstrated in her recent GP essay writing too, topic was about 'technology - the advs and disadvs that it brings to society'. she wrote quite a fair bit, but the teacher commented that she lacked the macro perspective (eg. influence on medical research, green globalisation etc).

actually, many advice of the older folks fall on deaf ears of teenagers these days. they live in their own styles, disregard useful advice and tend to correct themselves, only if they hit the wall and end up with cemented nose!

but on the whole, i was telling hubby, do give joy the credit for taking the initiative to check out on many things on the's not an easy job. but it really made me appreciate what HE was doing for the family all these yrs. i must say, hubby is good PLANNER, we are probably the stimulus behind his work.

but age and bz work schedule are catching up with, let the younger generation take over lah!


  1. Planning an itinerary is a skill to be acquired. Give Joy some time to learn, esp. when she has never done it before. But the basics is always to know your map first, learn where are the different places, how far are they from each other and the time to travel from one place to another, only then you can plan how much to see in a day and where to stay for the night.

    But it's time to pass on the baton to the gals to plan and give KH a break! Honestly, you get a deeper impression of the places you go if you plan it yourself. That's why you tend to forget where you go when you are on a package tour.

  2. red, joy modelled her plan after ur chinese version re taiwan...urs in chinese, hers in english lah.

    but ur itinerary was funny, all concerning food. did u really go look out for those places?

    but thks, it's becoz of ur love for food that i ended up with so many tees from gio....i'm wearing a lot of them these days.

    in fact, every few mths, i will change my dressing style. now, the conservative one, polo and skirt.

  3. I think the food itinerary is for the recent trip with our parents. Since we already know Taiwan so well, I just did one for food to introduce the food culture to the folks. For our coming HK trip, I did one for places of interests and one for food again since so many foodies on this trip. Haha!
