Saturday, May 7, 2011

my dad played me out!

last night, i was appalled to learn from white and blackie that my own dad belonged to the 'NATO' group. ha, not the aeronautical agent, but 'No Action Talk Only'!

well, it started with my dad 'psycho-ing' me and any other pple present to vote for 'opposition', citing much unhappiness on the street with PAP.

coupled with the hard-core 'opposition' member in my home and much observation of today's political scene, i was kinda is confidential, so can't let the secret out of the big bag!

but, in my conversation with white and blackie, i realised that dad (apparently) still gave his vote to PAP, on account of the need of bonus payout. certainly, he didnt want to be blacklisted. even a small yearly payout can satisfy his mercenary soul, haha.

well, the truth is, the old folks' mentality is job to back them up, much as they are unhappy with the political scene here, they are happy to just stay put and vote the PAP in.
there's even talk that our votes are being coded, to allow PAP to knw who are their 'foes'. of coz, i won't believe such 'wuliao' tactics. afterall, they are ministers who are paid millions to
look into restructuring the nation to 1st-class level. having some citizens against their camp is only a small fraction. why would they even bother?

haha, dad, i wouldnt trust u anymore!


  1. Aiyoh, I already know he is voting for the people in whites 'cos he received the growth bonus. One of the tactics of PAP....u see! And secondly, I believe it is also 'cos there isn't a strong opposition in Tampines GRC. I should have told him a third possibility is to cast a rejected vote, otherwise why u think there are 2-3% rejected votes in each constituency.

  2. Dad cant be trusted, money talks. I didnt think have rejected vote but yeah, maybe if Red had advised him, he would be able to do the right thing.

  3. If u wanna know how to cast a rejected vote, ask me.... I can teach u. Haha!
