Sunday, August 21, 2011

lucas' cuteness

we went to roland restaurant on fri afternoon for dimsum lunch.

a big group of 3 adults and 5 kids.

lucas requested to sit beside me. how sweet!

when he tasted the crispy 'cornflaky' stuff that accompanied the porridge, he told me,"this is very nice!" next, he surprised me by offering me 2 of the flakes and wanted to put it in my mouth! i thanked him profusely, haha. his generosity and willingness to share was clearly demonstrated.

then when the crispy fish was served, i casually served each kid one. he tried it and told me,'the fish is very nice!' then, i offered him another piece lah, which he ate happily.

i also introduced him to a crispy fishcake dish. again, he took it whole-heartedly.

trisha, on the other hand, was trying hard to chew the crispy fishcake and grimaced her distorted face, telling us,'it is nice. but very hard to bite!' haha, looking at the way she ate, we would probably not find the food so appetising!

N&N sisters sure had good time trying their salted custard buns or 流沙包,probably their first encounter. after an aggressive start, both loved the buns and claimed that they have had their fill and couldn't consume any more.

dad exclaimed,"很久没有吃得这么丰富的大餐!" haha, my parents and i really stuffed ourselves with the last remaining bit of yeefu noodles, glutinous rice and chee cheong fun, until we were all done. the kids abandoned us to go watch the fish swim in the tank.

back home, dad and mom were so exhausted with too much carbo-laden food that they took a nap sitting on the sofa.....i also rested on the floor before getting ready to leave home to teach!

the kids went downstairs to play for a short while but lucas was lost in the transit...haha, my helper ju 'smuggled' him to the playground and he was having wonderful time playing there!

each time i spent time with lucas, i found him very adorable. claire just updated me today that when the kids were around on fri, she actually sacrificed her 5-min i-touch time for lucas, ie. lucas gets 10-min of playtime while the rest only got 5 min. well, a little favouritism practised by claire, but she claimed,"lucas is
really very chin-chye, never makes noise over small things. so, i just want to pamper him that way!"

moral of the story : be more chin chye with people and u get more attention. haha, isn't it?


  1. so sweet of Claire.

    Lucas told me that he sat next to you and popo but he didn't tell me he requested. Sure he had a good day, eating and playing at playground.

  2. I love Roland too.... After my first meal there last week. Mum and dad were still lethargic back at home and were just lazing around watching tv. So rare to see mum resting on the bed and not standing in the kitchen.

  3. haha, that's the effect that i experienced after a full hearty what i told mom and dad, only once in a while can we indulge in food like that.

    when u guys were in taiwan, i was following ur blog posting and thot u pple were gorging and eating too much....aiyo, better watch out. the folks' bodies might not be able to take it, though it's fun to hv such relaxed beinge-ing experience.

  4. Actually, it is mainly small meals in Taiwan. U know how small the portion is cos the price is so low too. But it is the snack after snack that kills. Haha!
