Thursday, August 18, 2011


in her midst of study, joy was bz browsing through her i-phone twitter page for beautiful english quotations.

she uttered,'mom, u knw this friendship verse so meaningful. it really makes me feel a lot better knowing that i hv great friendship!'

'how do u get old of those quotations? i was once into such thing, u knw?' i answered.

indeed, quotations bring lots of enlightenment to our lives, if we have the wisdom to receive, understand and apply into our daily lives.

my sister quoted one recently, having read from her friend's msg attachment,"树多必有枯枝,人多必有白痴!‘

haha, indeed, how could one avoid withered branches on a big tree? in similar context, how can there not be 'morons' around us when there are so many pple walking past our daily routine?

so, i reckon, it's the state of mind. like what i always tell my kids, while it's right to exert our say on things/ people that are inappropriately done/ with misbehaviours, it's meaningless if our action results in strained relationship with people we love.....

i was talking to a friend the other day. she lamented that she's someone who will speak up when sth is not seen to be rite...and she felt that she might go to the extent of being 'tactless', hence being offensive to others. i reckon this mean souring relationship and making herself confused and upset.

well, 有江湖气概固然是件好事,但为了讨回公道而糟蹋干系,那就有点说不过去了!

joy and i were teaching claire about this principle....but the younger princess is still groping and learning. she thinks that we should address an issue, if we think it's not right, but too bad, her 'strong counterpart' in a concerned affair thinks that she's over-reacting. poor her...i can understand when her feelings and opinions are not being understood, simply becoz her 'counterpart' simply chooses not to see her views!

that's the process of learning, one baby step at at time!

lastly, my fav quote is 知足常乐!冰冻三尺,非一日之寒!话不投机,半句多!大事化小,小事化无!


  1. I still have the many bookmarks I collected years ago, at Joy's age. I just love the meaningful phrases. I still like them now.

  2. I'm sure Claire can learn a lot from Joy. She seems like someone who can handle relationships well. See the number of good friends she has.
